
[Others] HPV Prophylactic Vaccine Ordinary Discount Event for Students of Aju University

HPV Prophylactic Vaccine Ordinary Discount Event for Students of Aju University
(Cervical Cancer Prophylactic Vaccine Inoculation Discount Event )

This hospital provides complimentary inoculation of quadrivalent cervical cancer prophylactic vaccine for the students of Aju University during period described in below contents.

This prophylactic vaccine for cervical cancer (®Gardasil) is the world first cancer prophylactic vaccine, which started to be sold in Korea since September, 2007. Moreover its inoculation is recommended by WHO, its efficacy and safety is validated by US FDA and KFDA, and currently, it is being inoculated in 112 countries worldwide actively.

As due to several time introductions of this cervical cancer prophylactic vaccine in mass media and positive recommendation of its inoculation by various related academic societies, the interests and inquiries on it increase, we are going to provide ordinary discount of the vaccine for students of Aju University as follows. We expect your active participation.

Please refer the attached file.

* Attachement 

 HPV Prophylactic Vaccine Ordinary Discount Event for Students of Aju University