
[Others] [OIA] Notice for Insurance Agency Consulting Service

Insurance Agency Consulting Service

All international students are welcomed to receive insurance agency consulting service on campus during the 2012-spring semester, insurance consulting will include the following services:

1. Additional Insurance Registration Service

2. Registration of insurance claims(receipt of hospital receipts and documents)

3. Consulting on insurance coverage

4. General Q&A about insurance


April Schedule (Yulgok 153)

April 2th (Mon)  15:00 PM 17:00 PM

April 10th (Tue) 15:00 PM
17:00 PM

April 16th (Mon) 10:00 AM
12:00 PM

April 24th (Tue) 10:00 AM
12:00 PM


Schedule on each month will be announced at the end of the previous month


Office of International Affairs