
[Others] Free Medical Checkup for Foreign Students at Ajou University

Free Medical Checkup for International Students at Ajou University


Free Medical Check-Up will be provided by missionary society consisting of professors in the College of Nursing at Ajou University with international students who are studying at Ajou University.  Please refer to the following information for application:


1. Who can apply: All International students(undergraduate, postgraduates and  language studies) who study at Ajou University and their families(parents, spouse and children), up to 70 applicants who apply via email(first come and first serve based)

2. When: 1:30 ? 2:30PM 20(Tue) or 22(Thu), December 2011

3. Where: Collage of Industrial Medicine in Ajou University (1st floor of University Hospital Annex, next to Gymnasium)

4. Range of examination: Chest X-ray, Blood sugar, Cholesterol, Liver, Urine, Blood pressure, Obesity, etc.

5. Fee: Free

6. Caution:

? * Fast for 6 hours before the start of checkup

? * Student ID card should be brought with the applicant on the examination day

7. How to apply: Complete the attached application form and submit via E-mail (agh8457@naver.com)

8. Deadline: December 16th, 2011, First 70 applicants (35 for 20th (Tue) and 35 for 22nd (Thu))


This service is conducted by the Multicultural-family medical care support fee(다문화 가정 의료지원 사업비) of the Suwon Visiting Health Center, and is cooperated with the Ajou Faculty Missionary Society(아주대 교수 선교회)


Prof. Jee-Won Park, Dean, College of Nursing, Ajou University