
[Others] 2017 Suwon Sports Festival with International Students

<2017 Suwon Sports Festival Advertisement for International Students>

「Suwon Sports Festival with International Students」is a program that international students from four representative universities in Suwon city will join for exciting sports games and memorable experience to be bounded with students all over the world!

1. Time : Nov 5, Sun. 12:50 ~ 19:30

2. Place : Ajou Indoor Gymnasium ※ A shuttle bus will be provided for the gymnasium

3. Volume of Participants : International Students (240)

4. Sport Entries : Tug-of-war, bubble soccer, rope skipping, mission relay, three-legged race, waving, flying rubber shoes, paired dodge ball, etc.
※ Entries can be changed without notice

5. Cost : Free of charge

6. Schedule : the attachments for details

7. Application Period : Sep 25, Mon. ~ Oct 15, Sun.

8. Apply method :  Please follow the link to sign up https://goo.gl/forms/2CiiIeGvRehdvXkx2

9. Requirements : Only sneakers or running shoes are available at the gym.

Contact us 031-219-2925 or visit OIA