Ajou Vision 4.0 Global Campus


중국 비자관련 변경사항 안내

  • OIA
  • 2013-11-11
  • 2632

2013년 9월부터 중국 출입국 관리법에 따라, 모든 유학생들이 반드시 X 비자로 입국해야 하는 것으로 변경되었습니다.

수학기간에 따라 비자 유형은 X1(한학기 이상), X2(한학기 이내) 으로 나뉘며, 자세한 사항은 아래 내용을 확인하시기 바랍니다.

China Exit-Entry Administrative Bureau launches a new policy about Chinese visa from September 2013.

1.X1 Visa
For those who apply for one-year exchange study in China, they need to get X1 Visa to enter Mainland China. X1 Visa is only valid for 30 days after students enter Mainland China and must apply for Resident Permit within 30 days. Resident Permit needs students to do physical examination in China (it costs about RMB600yuan). Resident Permit application fee is about RMB400yuan. Students with Resident permit can exit and enter Mainland China as many times as they want within valid period.

2.X2 Visa
For those who apply for one-semester exchange study or less in China, they need to get X2 Visa to enter Mainland China. X2 Visa only allows students to entry Mainland China for ONCE and can’t be added more entries after arriving at China. Usually X2 Visa covers the whole exchange period. The maximum is 180 days’ validation. Students with X2 Visa can’t exit Mainland China after entry.

Note: Students extend for one semester.

Those who apply for one-semester exchange and extend for another semester need to do physical examination in China and then apply for Resident Permit.

